Information about measles can be found at the Parent Hub under Diseases Important Information. To report absences, please email

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Information for the start of term

At 8:45am school will start and it will finish at 3:25pm. Our waiting area is just outside our exterior classroom door at the beginning and end of the day (see pictures below). In the morning, an adult will come out to greet the children and they will line up next to the outside classroom door. Parents can leave children in the line, and classroom adults will help children settle into class.

PE will be every Thursday (Miss Evans Class)/ Friday (Mrs Holden's Class) - children should come to school in PE kit suitable for the weather on the day. Children should wear dark tracksuit/shorts, a white t-shirt, sensible trainers.

Children don't need to bring much in to school with them each day. They should have their:
  • coat
  • a book bag or other similar small bag (we don't have space for large bags),
  • a healthy snack (fruit or vegetable)
  • a sports-style water bottle (no screw cap or wide neck bottles please as we have lots of spills otherwise).

If children bring a lunch box, there is a shelf provided for them as they walk in the room.

We will be having a parents meeting with more information about year 1 at the start of term. Information about this will come in September!

Where to wait in the morning and which door to line up at
Miss Evans' Class
Miss Evans
Mrs Cox
Mrs Green
Mrs Holden's Class
Mrs Holden
Mrs Pirdue
Adults supporting in both rooms
Mrs Evans
Mrs Martorella
The children had a great week settling into to Year 1! They spent their time learning phonics, English and maths and exploring the outside area.  
The children have been learning about human and physical features. We walked about the school following a map and identified human and physical features. We then made our own maps! 
We have been thinking about different classification of animals and the children wanted to make "homes" for the animals when they were choosing. 
As we have been learning about the book "lost and found" by Oliver Jeffers, this week we have been looking at the where the hot and cold places in the world are. We have also learnt the word "equator". 
This week as part of our D&T lesson we made a fruit salad to take with us on our adventure to the North Pole. The children tried it after making it and thought it was "tasty". 
We have experimented with different shapes and lines, we watched videos of fireworks and tried to copy the shapes on black paper. 
As part of Black History Month we learnt about Mary Seacole and what an difference she made to many peoples lives. 
This week we studied an artist called Kandinsky. We looked at his fairy tale pictures and tried to imitate them using chalk pastels.  When we were finished they looked very similar! 
This week we learnt about compass directions. We looked at what we could see in each direction. 
This week the children looked at different type of materials. We also looked at the difference between an object and a material. The children went around the room and labelled different objects with what material they thought the object was made from. 
Using our knowledge of compass directions we wanted to test which direction the wind was blowing in. We made wind gauges to test the wind. 
Since our topic "The Lion Inside" has been about animals we talked about where different animals might live and their natural habitats. The children were tasked with making a natural savanna for the lion to live in. 
For our D&T project we made lion masks, using different painting, sponging, folding and sticking techniques. 
We have learnt about joins and leavers, we spent a week learning how to join paper in different ways. This all lead up to us making Easter cards.