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Pupil Premium

Highfield Hall Pupil Premium Spending 2024-2027
The Pupil Premium is funding provided to schools to support children who may be vulnerable to underachievement, to stretch those who are already achieving well, and to help them achieve our CARE values. The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of pupils who have been eligible for Free School Meals now or at any point over the last six years (known as Ever 6). 

The Education Endowment Foundation guidance states; "Closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers is the greatest challenge facing English schools. The gap is stubborn because its causes are entrenched and complex, and most lie beyond the control of schools and educators.However, it is clear that schools can make a difference."

School use evidence-based approaches when spending the pupil premium funding. We also know that high quality teaching will have the biggest impact on our disadvantaged pupils, as well as helping all children to succeed. We use a tiered approach to Pupil Premium spending, focussing on improving teaching for all, targeted academic support, and wider strategies (e.g. attendance, behaviour and social and emotional aspects of learning).

Our curriculum is designed to give children the cultural capital to prepare them for their future success. Our curriculum is sequenced to support children in developing their key knowledge and skills, aligned to our core and British values (see
At Highfield Hall:

  • we organise our teaching and learning in order to meet the needs of all children
  • we recognise that pupil premium children will have a wide range of needs- the strategies we use to raise attainment will take these group and individual needs fully into account
  • we recognise that not all pupil premium children will be disadvantaged and not all children that are disadvantaged are pupil premium children
  • we use high quality teaching and learning as the preferred way to narrow gaps in attainment. We will also use high quality interventions with proven evidence of impact to assist our pupils who need additional support
  • we allocate pupil premium funding after analysing the needs of priority groups and individuals
  • we believe that one of the greatest barriers for some of our disadvantaged pupils is the early development of language and we will allocate resources accordingly

Our use of the Pupil Premium will be reviewed regularly by the Governing Body and ongoing adjustments will be made according to the impact the school is having in narrowing the gaps.

Our aim is for all children at our school to reach their potential and for there to be no significant difference between the performance of different groups of pupils by the time they leave our school in Year 6 - however large the gap in their ability when they enter the school- we are committed to narrowing the gaps in achievement for all pupils.