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Year 4

The Year 4 team are:
Miss Abbott

Class Teacher

Mrs Webster
Mrs Corbyn
Mrs Hadkiss

Useful information


Mrs Webster's class swim on a Monday.

Miss Abbott's class swim on a Tuesday.

The children will swim alternate weeks. 

Group 1 will swim the first week and Group 2 the second. 

Children need to wear a swim hat and goggles whilst swimming.

The children must bring in their kits on Mondays this includes a one-piece costume for the girls and swimming trunks (not shorts for the boys.) The children also need a swimming cap. 



Is on Tuesdays for both classes. The children need to come dressed in their PE kit on the days below. PE kit is white t-shirt, black/blue shorts/ leggings/ tracksuit bottoms, black/ blue hoodie with no large logos and trainers. As we are moving to colder weather please ensure they are in clothing suitable for outdoor PE. 


Playtime Snacks

The children are allowed to bring one healthy snack to eat at morning break - this should only be fruit or vegetables. They do not need an afternoon snack. We ask that only healthy snacks are brought in to school; if unhealthy snacks are brought in we will ask that they are put back in bags to take home. All items must be completely free of even traces of nuts or seeds, due to significant health concerns of other students. Thank you for your support on this important matter.

Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle in to school. We ask that bottles are filled with water only. If your child has a reason that they need something other than water, please speak to a member of the team.