Information about measles can be found at the Parent Hub under Diseases Important Information. To report absences, please email

Year 5

The Year 5 Team
Mrs Allsop
Mrs Riley
Mrs Smith
Mrs Walker
Mrs Hawkins
Mrs Hahn
"Shosholoza" is a Nguni song that was sung by the mixed tribes of gold miners in South Africa. It is a mix of Zulu and Ndebele words, and can have various other South African languages thrown in depending on the singers. It was sung by all-male African workers that were performing rhythmical manual labour in the South African mines in a call and response. style. The song is so popular in South African culture that it is often referred to as South Africa's second national anthem. 
Here are some suggestions for reading books your child might enjoy at this age.
Visit to the National Space Centre
Year 5 have enjoyed a spectacular visit to the National Space Centre: Leicester. During our time there we enjoyed a workshop about Rocket Power and saw a superb show  about the solar system in the Sir Patrick Moore Planetarium.
Videos from our workshop: It’s Not Rocket Science! Please don’t try these at home…. 
Key information


In Autumn 1, PE for both classes will be Wednesday. Children need to come to school in a white t-shirt and blue or black shorts or tracksuit bottoms. For the first half term we will be having cricket coaching from the Derbyshire Cricket foundation.


Mrs Allsop and Mrs Smith's class will swim on Monday afternoon.

Mrs Riley's class will swim on Tuesday morning.

The children will swim alternate half terms. They will be split in to groups and we will let you know once the groups have been finalised.

What do I need to bring to school?

On your 1st day in September you will be given the stationery you will need. Please bring in a small pencil case to keep this in.

The children are allowed to bring one healthy snack to eat at morning break - this should only be fruit or vegetables. They do not need an afternoon snack. We ask that only healthy snacks are brought in to school; if unhealthy snacks are brought in we will ask that they are put back in bags to take home. All items must be completely free of even traces of nuts or seeds, due to significant health concerns of other students. Thank you for your support on this important matter.

Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle in to school. We ask that bottles are filled with water only.