Information about measles can be found at the Parent Hub under Diseases Important Information. To report absences, please email

Y1 - Miss Holden

Information for grown-ups!

At 8:45am school will start and it will finish at 3:25pm. Our waiting area is just outside our exterior classroom door at the beginning and end of the day. (See video below) In the morning, an adult will come out to greet the children and they will line up ready to come in to class. We will sanitise hands on the way in to class. Parents can leave children in the line, and adults will help children settle into class.

PE will be every Tuesday - children should come to school in PE kit suitable for the weather on the day. Children should wear dark tracksuit/shorts, a white t-shirt, sensible trainers.

We would love children to still bring their puddle suit and wellies to school to keep here - so we can still go out on days when the weather isn't so lovely!

Children don't need to bring much in to school with them each day. They should just have their coat, a book bag or other similar small bag (we don't have space for large bags) and a sports-style water bottle (no screw cap or wide neck bottles please as we have lots of spills otherwise). If children bring a lunch box, there is a shelf provided for them as they walk in the room.