Information about measles can be found at the Parent Hub under Diseases Important Information. To report absences, please email

Y5-Mrs Riley

Class Routine Information
School starts at 8.45am. I will meet the children outside the cloakroom door to go up to class together. The children will be brought out at 3.25pm to end the day.

Children will need to bring:

A book bag to bring home reading record and reading books

A water bottle with a sports top (no screw tops please as they spill easily)

A piece of fruit or veg for their morning snack

Lunch box (if they are having sandwiches from home

Children do not need to bring stationery as this will be provided by school.

PE and Swimming

Our PE slot is on Monday. Children will need to come to school in their PE kit which consists of: a white t shirt, dark trousers (tracksuits, leggings or shorts), sports trainers

Our swimming session is on Tuesday morning

People who work in our class

Mrs Riley is the class teacher. Miss Szymanska is our class teaching assistant although she spends some of her time working in the other year 5 class in the afternoon. Mrs Smith teaches the class on Tuesday morning when Mrs Riley has PPA time.

Mrs Herrett and Mrs Carlisle will be supporting children in our class at certain times.